On Doing Game Studies – Without Studying Games
This keynote by Dr Nicholas Taylor kicks off a one-day symposium at ÅAU entitled “Supp- orting Play”. The central questions for the event are “What sorts of work are required for facilitating gameplay in educational contexts, and how might we make that work more visible and more equitable?”. The keynote is an open event for anyone interested in this topic.
December 12, 2022 12.00-13.00
Auditorium Bruhn (C201)
Åbo Akademi University, Strandgatan 2, Vaasa
Meet our keynote speaker:
“As the Högskolestiftelsen Research Fellow for this 2022-23 academic year, I am honoured to provide the opening address of the symposium. This symposium is made possible through a collaboration between the Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies and the Experience Lab at ÅAU.
For those of you who I’ve not yet met, I am Nick Taylor. Having left my former position at North Carolina State University to come to Vasa, I am now on leave as the Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada. In December 2021, I had the good fortune of acting as the opponent for Dr. Matilda Ståhl’s thesis defense. This is how I found myself in Vasa initially, and how I learned of the incredible opportunity afforded by the Högskolestiftelsen Research Fellowship.
My research combines critical and ethnographic approaches to analyze the subjectivities, communities, industries, and educational outcomes associated with networked leisure practices. In addition to serving as primary editor on volumes related to masculinities and gaming (Masculinities in Play, 2018) and building block hobbyism (LEGOfied: Buildign Blocks as Media) my research has appeared in journals such as Convergence, Critical Studies in Media Communication, MedieKultur, and New Media & Society. I am currently working on a monograph about the intersections of masculinities, digital play, and the gendered politics of place, which I hope to have completed (in draft form!) by the end of 2022.